Tanzania, Kenia
From 1.950
Planned itinerary
Day 1.

Day flight. NAIROBI. Upon arrival transfer to the hotel.


Day 2.

Breakfast and transfer to the Wilson airport to take the PLANE to the majestic Masai Mara National Reserve, considered the pearl of nature in the country. The plane flight will provide us with a scenic flight over those hills covered by meadows and dotted with acacia trees that remind us so much of the authentic African landscape in the mythical film "Out of Africa", reception on the landing strip and beginning of the safari.

"The garden of Mother Earth is called Maasai Mara." There is no better phrase to describe the experience we offer in this reserve, an explosion of wildlife in its purest form, the place where a million and a half wildebeest cross the mythical Mara or Sand rivers each year. Antelopes of all kinds, zebras, elephants, felines... they will all be our objectives during these days of safari in the Maasai Mara National Reserve.




Day 3.

Another day in the Masai Mara National Reserve will allow us to enjoy the rich diversity of wildlife and will invite us to explore its streams and savannahs in search of lions, leopards, rhinos, buffalo... until we reach the banks of the imposing Mara River. , with its chocolate waters in which, a few meters from us, hippos frolic and crocodiles rest.

The Mara River channel is the natural barrier that the large migratory herds of wildebeest and zebra must cross each year, moving between the Masai Mara Reserve and the Serengeti National Park, forming a truly overwhelming spectacle, having to save in the river lots of crocodiles.

Bush Walk: walking safari through one of the main crossing points of the Great Migration, on the banks of the Mara River, accompanied by our guide and a ranger from the reserve.

In our accommodation we are in a privileged area to follow in the footsteps of the Great Migration...



www. eastafricacamps.com

Day 4.

At dawn, optionally for the most romantic, you can do a BALLOON safari in which to fly over the herds in silence at sunrise, to end up landing in front of a champagne breakfast in the middle of the savannah, in the most genuine style of the old time safaris

In the morning, on the way out of the park, we will be greeted by elegant giraffes, topis, gazelles, wildebeests, zebras, a multitude of birds... along the backbone of the reserve, the Mara River, which, continuing westward, reaches to our next destination, LAKE VICTORIA. Also known as Victoria Nyanza or Ukerewe, it will welcome us with its idiosyncrasy and biodiversity.

Expected arrival at sunset to enjoy the sunset and the ornithological richness that this unknown paradise offers.

This day we will go through the border formalities to enter Tanzania.



Day 5.

After breakfast we will return on the boat where we will be able to observe the fishermen and their traditional ways of fishing and the infinity of birds that inhabit the lake.

We continue to the Serengeti National Park in Tanzania, a natural extension of the Maasai Mara National Reserve in Kenya. The borders, however, are ignored by the animals that, in their search for fresh pasture, cross them every year between July and October: about one and a half million wildebeest, 250,000 zebras and half a million gazelles, followed shortly by lions and hyenas pleased with such a concentration of meat. It is the famous Great Migration, which dispatches one of the most overwhelming spectacles of nature in the entire world.

Tonight we will be greeted by our camp staff, they will heat your water so that it is ready in your tent, with private bathroom and shower, on your return from the safari and you can relax before a wonderful dinner under the stars, all at purest style Out of Africa.




Day 6.

Second day in our Tented Camp in the middle of Seronera (PN Serengeti). The best safaris, or at least the best chance of witnessing hunting scenes, take place at dawn, when the savannah stretches and nocturnal animals are still active, and at dusk. We will dedicate these moments to meet the big five, known as the "Big Five": lions, buffalo, elephants, rhinos and leopards. In addition to these undisputed protagonists, large herds of herbivores loom throughout the expanses of these infinite savannahs, always on the alert for the entry into action of a cheetah or a pride of lionesses.

We will sleep in the middle of one of the largest wildlife sanctuaries on the planet, we will sleep in the "endless plain". His landscapes respond to the mythical image of Africa: large spaces, deep blue skies dotted with clouds, cool sunrises and fiery sunsets, and at night, a unique display of stars.




Day 7.

We will dedicate the last morning in Serengeti to tracking the wildlife that we will surely have listened to up close the night before, paying close attention to another singularity, the kopjes, islands of rocks in a sea of grass where lions or leopards love to rest. Shortly before leaving the endless plain behind, we will again begin to find Maasai shepherds with their flocks and colorful "shuka" or Maasai blankets, grazing near the Olduvai Gorge, one of the cradles of Humanity, where many fossils and artifacts of the first hominids: we are now in the NGORONGORO CONSERVATION AREA.

We will visit a Boma Maasai or Maasai village to experience first-hand their ancient traditions and way of life in the Ngorongoro area, our next destination for tonight.

Our camp will provide you with spectacular views over the Ngorongoro Crater (we are the only Tented Camp that enjoys these views), an authentic Masai experience. Being able to live together and enjoy a chat and a glass of wine around the fire together with our Maasai who guard the camp will surely become a memory forever.




Day 8.

With the first rays of sun we go down in 4x4 vehicles into the Ngorongoro Caldera for our game drive. No reserve offers a spectacle as grandiose as the Ngorongoro Crater. A volcanic caldera 600 meters deep and over 20 kilometers in diameter that contains the largest “permanent” concentration of wildlife in Africa. . The Ngorongoro crater, a giant volcano that in its time was perhaps higher than Kilimanjaro itself, is home to thousands of wildebeests, zebras, buffalo, gazelles, lions, rhinoceroses... which, unlike the Serengeti, practically do not migrate, due to to the continuous presence of water in the area that ensures their permanent livelihood.

The crater gives its name to the conservation area in which it is located: spectacular landscape, inhabited by more than 40,000 Maasai herders, dominated by the Rift Valley and the nine Ngorongoro volcanoes that emerged more than 4 million years ago. The only one that is currently active is the Ol Doinyo Lengai, the mountain of god for the Maasai.

After our unique and exclusive experience inside the caldera of the so-called "volcano of Eden", we will direct our steps towards the city of Arusha.




Day 9.

Airport transfer.

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