
Can you travel abroad?

There is a legal vacuum on the restrictions and limitations of international mobility.

On the occasion of the implementation of measures to restrict mobility at Easter, the criteria of the Ministry of Health at present is that the perimeter closures do not affect trips abroad, except for the restrictions imposed by each country upon arrival.

We clarify, under the interpretation of our legal advice that:

  • Within Spanish territory (including islands) it is prohibited to travel, except for a justified reason, between the different communities, and in some, as is the case of Andalusia, between the different provinces.
  • Travel abroad is allowed, since the state of alarm does not include the closure of the border, any Spanish citizen can travel, for example, to Berlin.
    • What happens if this citizen does not have an airport in his city and has to travel to another city? He could not because of the perimeter closures that we have in the different communities.
    • Is the trip considered a justified reason? According to current legislation, no.
    • What happens if the citizen has an airport, but must make a stopover, for example, in Madrid? this case is feasible, according to the legislation the airports are international territories


  • Can a resident of Madrid travel to Valencia? No, because of the perimeter closures.
  • Can a resident of Madrid travel to Berlin or Punta Cana? Yes you can travel.
  • Can a resident of Segovia travel to Punta Cana, traveling to Madrid, by bus or train? You cannot travel to Madrid, you have no justified reason.
  • Can a resident of Segovia travel to Berlin? If there are no provincial restrictions within your community, you are fine. (If there is an airport within your community, this is not the case in Andalusia due to the perimeter closures between provinces)
  • Can a resident of Valencia travel to Punta Cana? If this resident takes the flight in Valencia with a stopover in Madrid (in transit without being able to leave the airport), he could travel, since the airport is considered an international territory.
  • Can a resident of any part of the peninsula travel to the Balearic or Canary Islands? not by perimeter closures, nor vice versa, except for justified reason.

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